Friday, January 22, 2010

External Influences on Consumer Behavior

The main influences are as fallows:

Culture - this is something that affects, not only, what the consumer is buying but why they are buying it. culture is a big part of a persons life, and is an obstacle for marketers all around the world. when you go to promote, or advertise something you MUST know what your target market is and make sure that your advertisements are in line with their ideals and beliefs.
(i know that Jules used a very similar ad but it fits so well)

I think that AT&T is doing a good job with it, because they are hitting the Japanese aspect and also making their service appealing to all international business men.

Sub Culture - there are many different types of subcultures out there, especially in America. the people of a given subculture will have slightly different values and beliefs than the normal person in their culture group.

This advertisements demonstrates the young adult that is also a coffee lover and enjoys mobility and freedom. this add would appeal to someone who enjoys the common conveniences of modern day life.

Social Class - these are groups that are divided because of their public status and most of the time how much money you make. marketers can avdertise and give their product a certain status that can fit inline with these classes.

This ad is aimed for the person who holds a high stature and sees them self as an athlete or wants to be like one.

Reference Groups - these are what "we" compare our selves to, or who are family is, and how a person decides what they wear or how they will act in certain situations. marketers can use the "ideal" person as the reference groups to grab the largest group and sell their product to.

This ad shows a couple that is physically "good looking" and happy, the idea is that if people buy Hollister clothing that they will look and feel like these people

Situational Determinants - this is when you would actually use the product and how it would be used. marketers can create multiple uses for products

This would show that when you wanted to have mobile coverage wherever you go that you should choose a verzion phone

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